There are 3 simple items completely overlooked: title, keyword content and most important, traffic to your site.

SEO Tips #1 – Title
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your website can be a challenge and time consuming process. The title of your post is now live on the internet. You have done a lot of work to get web page visibility.
How disappointed are you to see that your SEO efforts have not been recognized by any search engines? Google will rank your site if you can come up with a title that is relevant to the content on your site. If your title is boring or not on the first page of results, it is back to the drawing board.
Do not be discouraged, simply apply the same principles you would when researching keywords for your articles and a good title can be achieved. The title of your posts or articles will be the first thing web searchers find.
Your Website, Blog or Article Needs a Great Title?
Reading and posting on other blogs and websites it struck me, what is in a title? I bumped into this title, posted by a gentlemen named Patrick: Titles and Tags The article’s very first sub-title reads “The Importance of titles and alt tags”. Then dives right into the importance of a good title.
This is so spot on! Have you ever gone to a site just because the title was enticing, and then the content didn’t match up to the title? Yes we all have. There is a reason for that, TRAFFIC to your blog or website. I am not implying Ralph’s article is one of them. I am suggesting the power of a good title will not only attract new visitors to your site, but will attract Google!
Keyword & Content
SEO Tips #2 Keyword Content
Researching keywords will seem like a daunting task at first for beginners, but do not worry you can do it! Google has made it possible to search keywords for your niche that consumers are seeking. Researching keywords for experts is a time consuming process. Check out Google’s Keyword Planner.
So with that in mind the beginners will need to make more of an effort if you are to build your own website. Take your time and focus on one page at a time. When you do find your keywords, place them strategically in your pages. Useful content will keep your readers inspired to find more in your other pages.
SEO Tips #3 Traffic
Your website needs to have an effective web presence. If you do not work, it will not work. Perform these tips in an orderly fashion, and you too can create more web page visibility.
Define your goals and objectives
This should be the first thing you did before you make any attempt to build a website
Research your industry
Hopefully you know your industry and have looked at other websites. Investigate how your competitors rank with the search engines.
Research keywords and phrases
You have a good idea of how to research keywords, use: Googles Keyword Planner. Always remember when writing a post or page that you are writing quality content people can read, not just search engines.
Business listings for search engines
Local businesses will benefit greatly with Google My Business. Google as you can imagine is great! I have talked about them enough, right? Google My Business gives you the ability to list your business free, and get found locally quick! And now with new interfaces such as Google Plus, your business has a fighting chance.
Monitor website statistics
Google Analytics – you can register your website and Google will keep track of your traffic and much more. This will make monitoring statistics easy. Google will let you know what your site is missing such as: Page load speed, who is visiting your site and maybe problems with your sitemap.
Optimizing page and posts
WordPress has many plugins available for free and they work great. The best free SEO plugin I have found to be very useful is the WordPress Seo Plugin. This plugin will tell you what you need to do to optimize your pages. Add an external or internal link are two examples. Like any plugin though, do not rely on them to do all the work for you.
Participating daily on your favorite social mediums, blogs and forum’s will begin to build trust amongst your family, friends and peers. The biggest reason business website owners are not getting web page visibility is simply consistent effort. If your website cannot be found you will not hear the phone ring.