A great way to get your material noticed is guest posting on other blogs. It is difficult for some bloggers or business owners to get their word out to world. You can also offer your site or blog as a platform for other business owners and bloggers to submit a guest posting.
Guest Posting On Blogs Related To Your Niche
This discussion has been taking place long before I arrived to the blogosphere. Guest posting on blogs related to your niche will allow you to showcase your expertise amongst your peers. Usually forums are a great way to get quick traffic to your site, but often do not offer guest posting.
Guest Posting On Blogs Not Related To Your Niche
There are some advantages of guest posting on platforms that are not related to your niche. None better then traffic and web exposure. If you have a local business, my suggestion would be to find local blogs with high page rank and post there also. However, I would not to give up on blogs not related, especially if those blogs have a good deal of traffic and page rank.
Minimum guidelines for guest posting on most sites
When you are attempting to submit a guest posting to another site or blog, here are some minimum guidelines of what you can expect.
- Submit 1 link to an article you have on your site or other guest postings for review and 2-5 sentences of what your posting will be about.
- Of course original content only; meaning your post has not been submitted to the blogosphere already.
- At least 300 words or more and one photo or screen shot which must be formatted to 300 pixels wide with alt tags.
- Outbound links are disallowed, but you will have 2 links in your profile at the end of your post.
- Internal links are allowed, and it is always kind to give the HOST some props to one of their posts.
- Subheadings, grammar, alt tags, descriptions and spelling are your responsibility. “Action“, you only get one take.
Formatting your post
If you have SEOpresser and have written articles before then you know formatting your post or articles is very important.
- A good SEO title through your research will help your posts SEO.
- Description of your post.
- Alt tags for your photos and tags for SEO will help your post get found online.
- Keywords, bullets or numbers are highly recommended
- Internal linking is encouraged, but only one external link is allowed to support your post
Return to your guest posting
- This is your posting and are required to respond to comments made on it. Your post may be removed if you fail to engage with commentators.
- Create a post on your site that you can link to your guest post. This will create more traffic for your site.
- Ask your readers to check out your guest posting via social mediums and your website
- Visit commentators sites and thank them at their sites by commenting on posts they have written. This will build your reputation, credibility and traffic to your site.
These are actual guidelines for this site, so if you would like to write a guest post here, submit your article. Thank you for reading and happy blogging!