Taking all of my life and business experience into consideration, I believe my role as your mentor can be impactful. Pretty big statement I realize. Making a statement like that, there better be some “Proof”, right?
If you have not listened (done your research) to any of my Audio Recordings of me speaking or others speaking about me, viewed any of my YouTube Videos, or taken the time to Read About Me, I would say you missed something. Like, everything!
Have I changed lives? Yes. Can I change yours? I don’t know. Mentoring for me needs to become a friendship, in other words, we need to get to know each other. If your life and business is at a standstill or you are just finding your way, hit me up!
Let's Do This Thing

Pictured left to right Bryan Ring a.k.a. “RingahDing” & Richard Hansen owner of Hansen’s Lawn Care