Traffic to Your Website Requires Saavy Blogging
Why is your business website not being found?! Your business needs to join the business blogging conversation and since I am a simple guy this will be simply worded.
Okay I’m done yelling. Are you actually making efforts online to get your business found?! Okay I lied I am not done yelling yet, but this is very important business stuff. Let’s talk about stuff you already know.

Blog For Your Business Sake
Business Blogging
Having a fear of the unknown is natural. I can still remember my teachers from school saying “Read chapter whatever” which just made me cringe, because I hated to read. Now that I am a little older it has dawned on me that I actually love to read. I rather enjoy business blogging because I know there will be compensation for my efforts. Soon your family and friends will be asking, “Are you a Pro-Blogger”?
If you are still wondering why it is your site has no traffic then you must not have understood that last paragraph. I bet your competitors are thinking of new ways to get their businesses found right now. Research your niche to find out where the conversation is taking place and put fear in the back seat.
Making every effort humanly possible to get your business name in front of strangers (potential clients) should be somewhat of an addiction. Thus, engaging future and current customers will depend on your efforts to interact with them. When you think of blogging, is it Facebook and Twitter that come to mind? Yes but there’s more like LinkedIn, one of the best professional business outlets I’ve encountered.
Join The Conversation And Share Your Knowledge
Your main goal is to get people to visit your site and simply commenting can do this. There are so many groups, forums and blogs for every niche that makes this possible. The blogosphere has plenty of places to find Basic Blog Tips that can help you become a savvy blogger.
Okay the fun part! Some blogs will let you leave a link to your website or blog, it’s amazing I know! Commenting deserves some common sense. Continuously sharing articles and posts to your direct connections can make you look like an advertisement or news feed we all hate to see.
So be wise when you share making certain not to over-do it. Usually the poster will have more than one social media outlet for you to share, I suggest you pick one if you’re going to read another posting somewhere else and share.
Knowledge & Rules
Learn From Business Blogs
Crazy I know if you are new to this. You must’ve ran into at least one business online that has a blog or they’re screaming at you like me. Not all businesses need a blog on their website. Even those businesses know they need to join conversations though. How you find a conversation is simple, search for your niche or industry. If you’re an insurance agent type that in a Google search and find the best blog.
What I’m about to say next may shock you, “You Don’t Know It All, And Neither Do I.” When you actually find a conversation that enlightens you, it may just surprise you how educated about your niche, you’re not. Learning is power, and you have more to learn about your niche than you think. Education is not the only thing you will find on blogs, groups and forums; there is a bond that is created with your peers that will keep you coming back for more.
Rules of Business Blogging
There are rules I hate rules too. When you find the best business blogging platform for our niche, the last thing you want to be identified as is a spammer. Sure you’re only trying to get your name out there but you must have a little common sense.
- Stuff like “Hey check out my business website”, sounds just needy.
- Negativity – This is a big no-no in the blogosphere or life in general.
Do you want your potential clients to see you as angry? Everything you write or place on the internet will still be there after you’re long gone, don’t forget that. Hey there is nothing wrong with speaking your mind but be positive and straight forward about it.
Blog and Participate Everyday
Just because you have a business website does not mean that all work is complete. The phone is not going to start ringing off the hook if you are not making a true effort. It’s going to take more than an hour a week to become the business blogger your business needs you to be.
Blog every day, I know what I said, everyday! This will create direct traffic and will sky-rocket visits to your site. My apologies for yelling again.
Final Notes
As you may have guessed I am no professional blogger nor do I claim to be, but fear has been replaced by the passion to grow my business. ~Ringahding~